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Website re-launched

Added on 20 August 2009

The website of the Scottish Regional Association of the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain was re-launched on the 20th August 2009.  Designed by Malcolm Wilson it will develop over time with your assistance. 

You can help make this a more useful to other ringers and those who are interested in ringing. 

Do browse through or contribute your events to the What's On calendar of events, so that others can find out about your group's performances or events. 

If you have questions you want answered, or things you want to discuss, then do browse through or contribute to the Discussion Forum - there is already an ever-growing number of ringers who are eager to share their enthusiasm for ringing.

And if you have photographs of ringing in Scotland, now or in the past, then please consider sharing these for inclusion on the website - just first contact Malcolm Wilson

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