Membership Benefits
- Two copies of the national magazine 'Reverberations' each year.
- Regional newsletters (number varies between regions) with local news and events.
- HRGB Music offers competitively priced music for use by HRGB members and their teams.
- Public liability insurance at all events organised through HRGB.
- Preferential rates at handbell events.
- Workshops by recognised exponents of handbell ringing and ringing techniques.
- A network of ringers all willing to exchange ideas.
- HRGB Crescendo Scheme - a programmed learning scheme that provides recognition in the form of badges and certificates for achievements in ringing.
- Arpeggio Scheme. A self-learning programme for adult and more experienced ringers designed to encourage ringers to explore areas that they might not otherwise encounter. Each of the three stages is recognised by award of a certificate and lapel badge
- Access to the William Hartley Memorial Fund which offers interest-free loans to help with refurbishing an existing set of bells or the purchase of a new set.
- Use of one of the various loan sets of bells, handchimes or Belleplates®.
- Membership card.
- Entitlement to wear the gilt membership badge.
- National Residential Ringing Week.
- The opportunity to attend the International Handbell Symposium.
- To join HRGB click here for national site page with membership details