Scottish Schools Ring
Schools with handbells, handchimes or belleplates take part in the Annual Scottish Schools Ring - an exciting afternoon of music-making with pupils from schools from around the country. This is every year in May.
Making music through ringing instruments involves pupils in visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning, making it attractive to pupils, and being a group instrument the spirit of interdependence and teamwork is fostered. Click here to find out more about ringing in schools.

There are souvenir handbell pencils, erasers, rulers, notebooks available for sale on the day.
For more information about this event, and if your school is interested in taking part in this event, then click here to contact Lysbeth Wilson.
Click here for information about the use of handbells, handchimes and belleplates in music education.
There is a Glow site for the Scottish Schools Ring, including information and resources to support using ringing instruments in scottish educational establishments. This is open to all in Scottish education with a Glow account. Click on the link below to access the Glow site for the Scottish Schools Ring (Glow login required):